Idea Mapping Workshop in Palm Beach
Idea Mapping Workshop Tagged Jamie Nast December 14th, 2009Last week, an Idea Mapping workshop took place in the Palm Beach Hotel, a nostalgic establishment from the Gilded Age that is still quite charming and awfully affordable considering its location. It was great to see old friends and meet new people, all united by deep interest in the Idea Mapping and inspired by the Idea Mapping guru Jamie Nast.
The fact that the four Certified Idea Mapping Instructors (CIMI) attended the workshop is a proof that the workshop has a lot to offer, even to seasoned instructors. For me personally, the workshop was an excellent review of the material and helped raising my confidence level as a new instructor. This is the third workshop I attended, and every time I was able to learn something new. Another great benefit of retuning is that we get a chance to network with like-minded people and learn from each other. I hope that we’ll continue this wonderful tradition.
I’ve been impressed with the caliber of first-time workshop participants. They come from all walks of life – business people, entrepreneurs, academia, aviation, education, information management, etc. Like myself, they all seek new and better ways of improving their business and personal life, and they turn to Idea Mapping as a universal whole-brain learning and thinking tool to achieve new level of success.
We were very fortunate to meet Vanda North and Richard Israel who gave us a snick pick into their new global initiative Mind Chi (I’ll share more on Mind Chi in my next post).
On the last day, Jamie led us, CIMIs, through instructions on how to build and maintain a successful blog. She deserves a lot of credit for creating a worldwide viral network of Idea Mapping enthusiasts using popular social networking sites. And this is just the beginning!